Action, as in not stagnant. Keep the Mosquitoes Away. (More on that later.)
Action, as in pull those pistols. (Josey Wales reference)
Action, as in intentional action. Saying, “No.” sometimes is a good thing.
Action, as in see the need, fill the need.
Action, as in the pursuit of progress, not perfection.
Action, as in not waiting. Procrastination is something I struggle with.
Action, as in aligning to the big picture.
Action, as in do worthwhile stuff.
Action, as in waking up a little earlier for some reflection time.
Action, as in “You can’t defeat, what you can’t define.”
Action, as in tracking something to see how you’re doing.
Action, as in being efficient and effective.
Action, as in not doom scrolling. I struggle with this.
Action, as in investing time, not spending it.
Action, as in controlling time. Each of us has 24 hours in a day.
I know we’re still in the middle of COVID. I know life is tough right now. I know teachers are working their butts off: covering classes, managing blended learning, having half of the class gone one day, and the other half the next, etc. etc. etc. I’m not downplaying any of these tough times. I see your exhausted faces. I see your will to just get through the period, the subject, and the day. I also can’t dismiss the fact that great things always come out of struggle. Through the struggle is typically where the strength is found.
Keep going. ……..